
When placing an order, please choose one of the available methods of payment.

Online payment

Payments are made via T-Pay – a system of convenient, fast and secure on-line transactions. Fast on-line settlement enables immediate payment from the most popular banks. After successful authorization / booking of the payment by the T-Pay system, the order is automatically transferred for execution.



Payment by traditional bank transfer

You login to your bank account yourself and fill in the transfer details based on the information you received from us after completing the order. Please write your order number in the title of the transfer. The order will be forwarded for processing after the payment is booked in our account.

Bank transfer details

Bank details: BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A.
IBAN: PL 16 1750 0009 0000 0000 1167 2302

USB SYSTEM Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
ul. Słowackiego 25
05-820 Piastów